Rate this post They provide us with a lot of things to take care of and make you feel good about yourself .There are a lot of products that have to be used along with makeup because if these products are not used then makeup is not fully enjoyed because if the skin is clean […]

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Rate this post Two years ago, our relatively stable lives and structures were upended by the pandemic. We collectively went through incredible amounts of grief and pain, and we have had limited opportunities to process it all over the last two years. As a result, all of that grief is locked up inside the offices, […]

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Rate this post Workers around the globe quitting their jobs as part of “The Great Re-Evaluation.” Companies re-evaluating their flexible working arrangements. Further transitioning to a more green future. The Covid pandemic’s systemic impact on labour markets, policy, and regulation. Debate about the plausibility of a four-day work week. The end of 2021 is fast approaching, and I […]

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Rate this post Education and healthcare form the backbone of our societies, and in some cases can make or break a civilization. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have been playing catch up with the more developed world for decades, despite making notable strides in these areas. The GCC’s demographics have been signalling the dire […]

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Rate this post Which is the world’s oldest university? If you said Bologna or Oxford, you were on the money. But could you name the youngest? Now a new survey has ranked the world’s universities that are under 50 years old. Top of the Times Higher Education Young Universities 2022 rankings is Paris Sciences et Lettres […]

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Rate this post High rates of learning poverty in Western and Central Africa suggest that too many children are either not attending school or are not learning enough in school. The World Bank’s strategy for this region seeks to widen opportunities, improve teaching and learning and build job-relevant skills. Below is an exploration of how […]

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Rate this post Marine Biodiversity of areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) refers to the marine life found in the high seas, and is known to be a murky and complex topic. The so-called high seas encompass all areas that lie beyond national waters – specifically, they are outside of the exclusive economic zone of any […]

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Rate this post Politicians around the globe have been keen to state their commitment to net-zero emissions, and now a new report tells us exactly how much this transition will cost. Consultancy firm McKinsey says total global spending by governments, businesses and individuals on energy and land-use systems will need to rise by $3.5 trillion […]

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Rate this post Nature and forests appeared prominently in the final text of the Glasgow Climate Pact at the end of the UN climate conference, COP26. But radical change is needed and we need to build on momentum ahead of COP27, despite challenges such as the ongoing impact of COVID. Partnerships between the public and […]

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Rate this post To harness the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) by accelerating the adoption of trusted, transparent and inclusive AI systems globally.   The Challenge As the transformative potential of AI has become clearer, so, too, have the risks posed by unsafe or unethical AI systems. Recent controversies on facial recognition, automated decision-making […]

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